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另一間 Capri 單位的實境圖,全屋裝修連度身訂造傢私,更貼合屋型和主戶需要。客廳電視牆用上立體磚紋,更有質感。客廳、飯廳並列,善用長方空間。飯廳亦訂造了落地組合櫃,當中有鏤空的部份,更可擺放精美的擺件。組合櫃設計成圓角,更有特色。陳列位置安置了燈槽,讓訪客可以欣賞精美擺件。廚房用上了趟門,更裱上愛犬圖片,讓屋內充滿生氣。主人房附有地台幫助分區,同時下層亦可揭起,安放物品,不其然增加空間面積。


We helped to prepare the whole renovation project and bespoke furniture. We use 3D brick wallpaper to cover the TV wall, so it has a more detailed texture. We divide the rectangular space into the living room and dining room. We design and make a large cupboard in the dining room.  There is a specially designed round corner for the cupboard. There is also an area with lighting for putting the exquisite display. On the other side, it is the kitchen door printed with a dog picture which makes the house energetic. To help with zoning and storage, there is a platform deck in the master room also.

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