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單位用上 Monotone 及湖水綠點綴色,清新又新鮮。客廳和睡房主力牆都用上不同圖案和顏色 ,更有層次 。主人房主力牆也用上湖水綠,搭配小盆栽,清新怡人。床下加增地台,更多收納空間。書房桌子和落地櫃子相連、訂造傢俱更能善用空間和角落。廚房採用透明玻璃門,增加空間感。廚房吊櫃也一致用上湖水綠點綴,牆身亦用上不同圖案和大小的階磚,更顯層次。


We use monotone colors accented with turquoise to make it fresh. We also use different colors and patterns for the main panel of the living room and master room. The main wall panel of the master room is in turquoise color also. By putting some potted plants, it looks green and fresh. The furniture is all tailor-made to use the space more wisely. There is a glass door for the kitchen to make it look more spacious. With turquoise cabinets and tiles in different patterns, the design of the kitchen looks richer. 

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