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全屋傢俱度身訂製,多以木料為主,配搭白色等淺色主色,營造自然溫馨的居室。大廳訂製大型電視組合櫃,放置視聽產品和音響。地板亦重新鋪設。玄關以附有 Slit Panel,既幫助Zoning 又可以裝飾。主人房訂做雙人大床,尺寸大小剛剛好。書臺都特別訂製,貼合房間的角位,善用分寸。做起全部廚櫃、灶頭、抽油煙機和洗滌處。洗手間用上花紋磚面,更有層次。


The furniture is mainly bespoke and made of wooden materials that contrast with the main white color. In the foyer area, there is a slit panel for zoning and decoration. There is also premium wooden grain flooring also. In the master room, there are bespoke double bed and desk which fit the size of the room well. The Extractor hood, stove, and cabinets are already in the kitchen. Patterned tiles are used in the washroom and make the visual more enriched.

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